Well, I felt like I was dying when I woke up from surgery, but I didn’t. I know a picture is worth a thousand words, but I am just going to type a thousand words instead of putting a picture on here. I think my neck would scare most of you. Honestly, I have only looked in the mirror once and got sick to my stomach so I think I’m just not ready for that yet.
Surgery was 9 hours long. As I was waking up I had so many nurses around me and tubes all over my face. Probably the scariest moment of my life. Glad yesterday is over but still ask you pray for my recovery. THey had to make a “hole” in the middle of my neck to drain the fluid. So now I am home with this tubing coming out of my neck that I have to keep up with. It is very unsettling and I think I will have to wear this thing until at least monday. I haven’t let the kids see me yet. I figure if my neck scares me, it would do the same to the kids.
When I went in for surgery, the doctor was expecting it to be 3-4 hours, once he got in there, he found infected lymph nodes on my windpipe and on the juglar vein. So I had my thyroid removed, all the central lymph nodes and then on the right side of my neck. Because of this, the scar is pretty long. Maybe 6 inches across.
GOd doesn’t take us through more than we can handle. I have no idea how I got through yesterday without Him…. and joe. Joe’s hands were so comforting when I was laying in recovery. Here are some ways you can pray for me, if you think about it
1. there is a lot of mucus in my throat from the breathing tubes. I keep feeling like I need to cough it up but when I do cough it hurts really bad
2. this tubing coming out of my neck is really unsettling. Pray God would change my attitude about wearing this thing and the hole in my neck
3. A physical therapist came in my room this morning to give me shoulder and neck exercises. They are really hard to do right now but he said I needed to to regain strength in those muscles.
4. my kids. I cant get a scarf around my neck right now because of the tubing. When I came home today all the kids except Noah were sleeping. I tried to cover my neck with a piece of paper but he looked really scared. Pray for them. The other 3 don’t know I’m home. I think they just think our bedroom door is closed. I just dont want them to see the tubing.
Trying to live out my verse in my room. joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer.