This morning I met with the nuclear medicine team to discuss the radio active iodine treatment which will begin 6 weeks from now. I am glad Joe and khalil are goof balls because it was an emotionally draining morning at the hospital. Loved coming home to a house full of laughing children, a funny brother, and a sweet husband. The nuclear medicine office was cold and BIG. As I was running out the door this morning, my 2 elderly neighbors were walking in front of my house. Here was our conversation in a nutshell
Anne Sabrina where are you going
me the doctor
Anne are you sick
me yes
Anne what’s wrong.
me I have cancer
Anne oh no, what kind
me thyroid cancer
THis is about when Anne’s friend Teresa started crying on my shoulder.
me Mrs Teresa dont cry, my cancer is very treatable. I’m going to be fine. God has been good and will continue to be.
Anne: oh, cancer in your neck is bad. my brother had throat cancer and he died a horrible death. Just seeing him laying on that bed dieing was one of the worst things I’ve ever seen…… long pause…. well, I’m sure you’ll be fine though
Well, I know Mrs. Anne didn’t intend to scare me, she really just made me laugh. I felt so bad for her. Have you ever started telling a story, then got half way through it and realized oh shoot, this is not the time to be telling this person this. It was funny to watch her try to squirm her way out of it. Never tell a person with cancer how you watched another person you know die a horrible death with cancer….. ok, so on to the fun details from today. Here’s a few
Surgery is Thursday from 8:30-12:30. We have to be there at 6:30 a.m. I will be in ICU for a few hours after surgery until everything is stabalized.
Many people have asked about coming to the hospital on thursday. If you want to pray with Joe, he will be in the waiting room during that time. I have no idea what I am going to be feeling like but expect the best thing for me to do after surgery is rest as I will be going home to 4 kids the next day.
The surgery will be 4 hours. The surgeon will be removing my entire thyroid and then do a radical neck dissection. He will be removing the lymph nodes that the cancer has spread to. This is the risky part. The infected lymph nodes are right behind my jugular vein. Pray his hands are very very very steady at this point. My neck will probably be numb for the rest of my life on the right side. There are some nerves that are going to need to be severed.
Afer surgery, there will be a 6 week time period of making my body extrememy weak. I’ll share all those details later. Don’t have the emotional energy to deal with more than the surgery right now.
I have learned something wonderful and deep about the grace of God over the past few months. His grace is like the manna he sent his children when they were in the wilderness. Each morning as they awoke, he sent manna from heaven. He did not send them the manna once a week, but each morning. He only gave them enough for that day. That is how His grace is. He’s been giving it to me as I wake up for the day. Each morning His grace has been sufficient. When my mind goes into tomorrows troubles and concerns, I realize I have not been given the grace for those trials yet. Trying to live this out in my actions. My head understands this truth sometimes more than my heart.
I’m so thankful for good friends and a wonderful family. There are so many of you that have touched my heart. Most of you don’t even know it. As surgery is getting closer, so is His presence. We serve an amazing God. He is so much bigger than our trials. There is part of this trial that has become a beautiful thing in my walk with God. He has been a Father, a best friend, a comforter, and my sustainer. He is so good, so good….