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Writer's pictureSabrina Gilliam

One more thing….

For the most part, it was a good appointment this morning. I think I went in though with the wrong understanding of why I was there. I told ya’ll I was going to the doctor today to see if the cancer had spread. This was only partially true. I was primarily going in today so that the doctor could do an ultrasound on my neck to see if any lymph nodes were enlarged (cancerous) so the surgeon could remove those as well during the surgery. I did have 1 lymph node that looked suspicious the doctor found. It is located on the same side of my thyroid behind the jugular vein. That means the cancer has left my thyroid and traveled to the lymph nodes. This is where it gets technical and I could chop this to pieces but I’m gonna try to explain this.

There are 3 types on cancer. I have the papillary type. It is the most common type of cancer and easiest cancer to treat. It is the type that travels through the lymph nodes and not through your blood stream. From what I understand the surgery remains the same except the surgeon will move my jugular vein over to cut out some lymph nodes. 

Ok, so that’s about it. I meet with the surgeon next Tuesday and the surgery is possibly on February 1st.

Here are some prayer requests if you think of us

1. Pray God would help me to take every thought captive and to keep my eyes on Him. I have woken up a few nights to feed the baby and found myself daydreaming about dieing and painful things. Then I start to get scared and worry.  So my fear is coming from thinking on things I shouldn’t. Pray God would continue to give me scripture and help me discipline my mind unto godliness.  Note to self: do not focus on doctor cutting something off next to my juggular vein

2. Pray for Joe. He has a lot on him too and just pray God would encourage his heart as well in this time.

3. Pray for Silas as I am having to stop nursing him. He’s 8 months and still nurses 6 times a day. I’m having to wean him completely in 2 weeks.

4. Pray God would heal me completely.

One last thing. I’ve had so many sweet messages from so many people. God encouraged my heart greatly from each of your kind words. I also want to thank ya’ll for praying for me. I’ve had days filled with peace that passes understanding and I know it’s because  you are wearing my pain for me. Thank you for going to the Lord in my behalf. Please continue to do so. I will fall apart without Him in this. Please pray foe me as He brings me to your mind. I love Him and I love you. I need to get dinner going.

 love ya’ll~ Sabrina

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